About us

Hop On AS is a Norwegian based company with headquarters in Oslo. Hop On was founded in in the autumn 2019 by Ole Grønvigh. Despite of covid epidemic and other obstacles, Hop On AS managed to run the business in small scale operation during the pandemic.

The beginning

Hop On AS was established by mr Ole Grønvigh. He had a dream about running Hop On buses in whole Norway and establish a hop on company with a Norwegian local ownership. His ideas were to create at Norwegian company who values Norwegian traditions. Due to that idea, he wanted to use elements on the buses that was typical Norwegian, as the beautiful fjords of Norway, Norwegian folk dresses, Norwegian skiers, and other traditional elements to show to tourists. Still Hop On AS, is the only “hop on” company who has Norwegian owners. All profit stays in Norway.

During the pandemic (from 2020 to 2021) Hop On AS had some operations, but it was limited how much operations that was possible due to strict governmental rules for transportation during that time. The operation was then operated only in Oslo. Unlike many other companies who received a lot of governmental support during the pandemic, Hop On AS managed on its own.

Many people liked the décor of the buses, and the service we offered to our customers. In 2020 Hop On AS was contacted by the Norwegian State Channel for TV, NRK, to participate in a TV Show with our buses. It was a big success, and we received a lot of good feedback for our design on our buses after that and they thought we had such good and quality buses.

In 2022 Hop On AS started to drive in Ålesund, Stavanger, Bergen, and Oslo. In 2023 Hop On AS also started a new destination in Haugesund. For this coming season (2024) Hop On AS will operate in Oslo, Bergen, Ålesund, Stavanger and Haugesund.


Hop On AS has established a very good partnership with a lot of local collaborations partners. We want to give our customers a taste of what Norway has to offer of specialties and different things to do while our customers are visiting Norway. You can find the partners on our webisite and in our brochures.


Hop On AS has a lot of different tours to offer, and we are continually working on developing new products that we thinks will fit our customers. We can offer “hop on – hop off” product in all our destinations. In Oslo we have some more products, and new this year is our city audio guide product. It’s a app you can download, and you can continue your sightseeing in Oslo using the app listening to while you explore Oslo city by yourself. If you are interested to rent our buses for a party or others, we can also hire away our buses with very experienced drivers. Read more about our tours under choose destinations.

Bus fleet

  • Almost all of our buses are EURO 6, and they are regularly maintained.
  • All buses in Hop On AS has an alco lock installed. It means that the driver must be sober before they can drive the bus.
  • All buses are also universally designed, and that means that the buses accept wheelchairs.

Location and ownership

The headquarter for the company are now in Oslo, and the ownership is still in Norwegian hands.

Community involvement

We do belive in helping people in need and therefore Hop On AS is a proud sponsor to Medecins Sans Frontieres (Leger uten grenser).

Hop On AS have also sponsored a lot of Ukraine’s refugees in Norway by giving them free tours with our buses. This collaborations were made in corporations with the Norwegian foreigner department, Utlendingsdirektoratet.

The Organization

The company is led by Mr Rino Ødegård. Mr Are Muzuri has the position as COO. Hop On AS has also its own customer department, marketing department, HR department, IT department and we use an external accountant company. The whole management team in Hop On AS has a lifelong experience and expertise whit buses and customer service.

New of this season, is that we have hired a new employee who has a degree within Sustainability from the University of Stavanger, and she will work specially how to make the company greener and environmentally friendly. Sustainability is one of the focus areas the coming years.

All destinations have it´s on department managers, and they are all handpicked to this job. They all speak several languages, and they have a very good customer service attitude.

Mr. Rino Ødegård

CEO and board member

  • Former CEO in many bus companies for many years.
  • Started up “City Sightseeing Norway” in 2007
  • Licensed trainee for bus and truck drivers for obligatory education by the Norwegian authorities

Mr. Are Muzuri

Operational Manager

  • Worked for different companies in Norway as a bus driver, salesperson and operational Manager for different hop on companies since 2004.
  • Won several international prices for “Best Customers Service” award for his excellent service to customers.